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Build a Multistep Form

A multistep form breaks down a long form into smaller, manageable sections, improving user experience by reducing form abandonment. Users fill out one step at a time, making the process less overwhelming.

Video Guide

Step 1: Add the Form Module

  1. Navigate to the desired page.
  2. Add the Form module.

Step 2: Enable Multistep Form

Within the form module settings, open the Multistep Options section and set Enable Multistep to Yes.

You can customize the multistep options from the settings that appear below after enabling Multistep.

Enable multistep form

Step 3: Add a Form Step Field

  1. Add a new Form Field.
  2. Select Form Step from the Type dropdown under Type.
    • Ensure this is the first field.
  3. Enter a suitable Field Title. You can display the title under the step by enabling the Progress bar show step title option in the Form settings > Multistep Options section.

add form step

Step 4: Configure Form Step Field

Within the Field Option, you can customize additional settings for the step.

  1. Customize the Previous and Next button text.
  2. Adjust the Progress Bar Step Icon settings if needed.
    • Note: The Progress Bar Step Icon only shows when Progress bar show step number in circle is disabled and Progress bar show step icon in circle is enabled in the main Form module settings > Multistep Options section.

Form step options

Step 5: Add Additional Fields

Add various fields (e.g., Input Field, Email Field) under the first Form Step field.

  • These will appear in the first step.

You can find a list of fields here.

Step 6: Add Another Form Step Field

Insert another Form Step field after the other fields. This creates a second step.

Step 7: Continue Adding Fields and Steps

Repeat the process of adding fields and Form Step fields. Each step will display the fields added under its respective Form Step field.

Additional Multistep settings

Within the form module settings > Multistep Options section, you can find various options to customize the multistep form:

  1. Form Transition Effect: Choose from various effects like FadeIn, ScaleIn, ScaleOut, SlideHorz, and SlideVert.
  2. Form Transition Effect Speed: Set the speed of the transition effect in milliseconds.
  3. Progress Bar Style: Select the style for the progress bar (None, Basic, Lollipop, Step).
  4. Basic Progress Bar Height: Adjust the height of the basic progress bar.
  5. Lollipop Progress Bar Settings: If Lollipop style is selected, adjust the border radius and height of the progress bar.
  6. Progress Bar Options:
    • Show percentage: Display the completion percentage.
    • Show step number in circle: Display step numbers in a circle.
    • Show step icon in circle: Display icons in a circle.
    • Show step title: Display the title of each step.
  7. Navigation Option:
    • Go to next step on press Enter: Allows users to navigate to the next step by pressing the Enter key.