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Divi Mobile provides a sleek bottom navigation system for your mobile site, offering a contemporary and accessible way to guide your users through your website content.
How to Set Up Bottom Navigation
You can either use a secondary menu as the bottom navigation or move the primary menu to the bottom navigation area.
You should have a separate WordPress menu to use in the Bottom navigation.
To enable and configure the bottom navigation feature in Divi Mobile, please follow these simple steps:
- Navigate to
Theme Customizer
and access Divi Mobile
> General Settings
. - Scroll down to the
field and set it to Bottom Navigation
. - Select your secondary WordPress menu in the
Once you publish the changes, it should look something like this:
To set the primary menu in the bottom navigation area, follow the instructions:
- Navigate to
Theme Customizer
and access Divi Mobile
> General Settings
. - Scroll down to the
field and set it to Bottom Navigation
To ensure the bottom navigation works seamlessly, you should disable the Divi Mobile custom header. Go to Divi Mobile
> Custom Header
in the Theme Customizer
to NO
Customize Your Bottom Navigation
The Bottom Navigation Menu appearance can be customized in the Theme Customizer
> Divi Mobile
> Bottom Navigation Style
. You can customize the background color, icon and text color (normal and active states), and icon and text size under the Bottom Navigation Style
settings page:
Set Bottom Navigation Icons
By default, the menu items will get the hamburger icon. You can follow the steps below to change the icon:
- Go to your WordPress Menu by navigating to
> Menus
in the WordPress Dashboard. - Select the menu if required.
- In the top right corner of the screen, click on
Screen Options
and enable CSS Classes
. - Expand the menu item you want to change the icon.
- Enter the icon class name for the menu in the
CSS Classes (optional)
Finding the Icon Class Names
You can find a list of icons with their class names below:
Icon List
arrow_up arrow_down arrow_left arrow_right arrow_left-up arrow_right-up arrow_right-down arrow_left-down arrow-up-down arrow_up-down_alt arrow_left-right_alt arrow_left-right arrow_expand_alt2 arrow_expand_alt arrow_condense arrow_expand arrow_move arrow_carrot-up arrow_carrot-down arrow_carrot-left arrow_carrot-right arrow_carrot-2up arrow_carrot-2down arrow_carrot-2left arrow_carrot-2right arrow_carrot-up_alt2 arrow_carrot-down_alt2 arrow_carrot-left_alt2 arrow_carrot-right_alt2 arrow_carrot-2up_alt2 arrow_carrot-2down_alt2 arrow_carrot-2left_alt2 arrow_carrot-2right_alt2 arrow_triangle-up arrow_triangle-down arrow_triangle-left arrow_triangle-right arrow_triangle-up_alt2 arrow_triangle-down_alt2 arrow_triangle-left_alt2 arrow_triangle-right_alt2 arrow_back icon_minus-06 icon_plus icon_close icon_check icon_minus_alt2 icon_plus_alt2 icon_close_alt2 icon_check_alt2 icon_zoom-out_alt icon_zoom-in_alt icon_search icon_box-empty icon_box-selected icon_minus-box icon_plus-box icon_box-checked icon_circle-empty icon_circle-slelected icon_stop_alt2 icon_stop icon_pause_alt2 icon_pause icon_menu icon_menu-square_alt2 icon_menu-circle_alt2 icon_ul icon_ol icon_adjust-horiz icon_adjust-vert icon_document_alt icon_documents_alt icon_pencil icon_pencil-edit_alt icon_pencil-edit icon_folder-alt icon_folder-open_alt icon_folder-add_alt icon_info_alt icon_error-oct_alt icon_error-circle_alt icon_error-triangle_alt icon_question_alt2 icon_question icon_comment_alt icon_chat_alt icon_vol-mute_alt icon_volume-low_alt icon_volume-high_alt icon_quotations icon_quotations_alt2 icon_clock_alt icon_lock_alt icon_lock-open_alt icon_key_alt icon_cloud_alt icon_cloud-upload_alt icon_cloud-download_alt icon_image icon_images icon_lightbulb_alt icon_gift_alt icon_house_alt icon_genius icon_mobile icon_tablet icon_laptop icon_desktop icon_camera_alt icon_mail_alt icon_cone_alt icon_ribbon_alt icon_bag_alt icon_creditcard icon_cart_alt icon_paperclip icon_tag_alt icon_tags_alt icon_trash_alt icon_cursor_alt icon_mic_alt icon_compass_alt icon_pin_alt icon_pushpin_alt icon_map_alt icon_drawer_alt icon_toolbox_alt icon_book_alt icon_calendar icon_film icon_table icon_contacts_alt icon_headphones icon_lifesaver icon_piechart icon_refresh icon_link_alt icon_link icon_loading icon_blocked icon_archive_alt icon_heart_alt icon_printer icon_calulator icon_building icon_floppy icon_drive icon_search-2 icon_id icon_id-2 icon_puzzle icon_like icon_dislike icon_mug icon_currency icon_wallet icon_pens icon_easel icon_flowchart icon_datareport icon_briefcase icon_shield icon_percent icon_globe icon_globe-2 icon_target icon_hourglass icon_balance icon_star_alt icon_star-half_alt icon_star icon_star-half icon_tools icon_tool icon_cog icon_cogs arrow_up_alt arrow_down_alt arrow_left_alt arrow_right_alt arrow_left-up_alt arrow_right-up_alt arrow_right-down_alt arrow_left-down_alt arrow_condense_alt arrow_expand_alt3 arrow_carrot_up_alt arrow_carrot-down_alt arrow_carrot-left_alt arrow_carrot-right_alt arrow_carrot-2up_alt arrow_carrot-2dwnn_alt arrow_carrot-2left_alt arrow_carrot-2right_alt arrow_triangle-up_alt arrow_triangle-down_alt arrow_triangle-left_alt arrow_triangle-right_alt icon_minus_alt icon_plus_alt icon_close_alt icon_check_alt icon_zoom-out icon_zoom-in icon_stop_alt icon_menu-square_alt icon_menu-circle_alt icon_document icon_documents icon_pencil_alt icon_folder icon_folder-open icon_folder-add icon_folder_upload icon_folder_download icon_info icon_error-circle icon_error-oct icon_error-triangle icon_question_alt icon_comment icon_chat icon_vol-mute icon_volume-low icon_volume-high icon_quotations_alt icon_clock icon_lock icon_lock-open icon_key icon_cloud icon_cloud-upload icon_cloud-download icon_lightbulb icon_gift icon_house icon_camera icon_mail icon_cone icon_ribbon icon_bag icon_cart icon_tag icon_tags icon_trash icon_cursor icon_mic icon_compass icon_pin icon_pushpin icon_map icon_drawer icon_toolbox icon_book icon_contacts icon_archive icon_heart icon_profile icon_group icon_grid-2x2 icon_grid-3x3 icon_music icon_pause_alt icon_phone icon_upload icon_download icon_rook icon_printer-alt icon_calculator_alt icon_building_alt icon_floppy_alt icon_drive_alt icon_search_alt icon_id_alt icon_id-2_alt icon_puzzle_alt icon_like_alt icon_dislike_alt icon_mug_alt icon_currency_alt icon_wallet_alt icon_pens_alt icon_easel_alt icon_flowchart_alt icon_datareport_alt icon_briefcase_alt icon_shield_alt icon_percent_alt icon_globe_alt icon_clipboard social_facebook social_twitter social_pinterest social_googleplus social_tumblr social_tumbleupon social_wordpress social_instagram social_dribbble social_vimeo social_linkedin social_rss social_deviantart social_share social_myspace social_skype social_youtube social_picassa social_googledrive social_flickr social_blogger social_spotify social_delicious social_facebook_circle social_twitter_circle social_pinterest_circle social_googleplus_circle social_tumblr_circle social_stumbleupon_circle social_wordpress_circle social_instagram_circle social_dribbble_circle social_vimeo_circle social_linkedin_circle social_rss_circle social_deviantart_circle social_share_circle social_myspace_circle social_skype_circle social_youtube_circle social_picassa_circle social_googledrive_alt2 social_flickr_circle social_blogger_circle social_spotify_circle social_delicious_circle social_facebook_square social_twitter_square social_pinterest_square social_googleplus_square social_tumblr_square social_stumbleupon_square social_wordpress_square social_instagram_square social_dribbble_square social_vimeo_square social_linkedin_square social_rss_square social_deviantart_square social_share_square social_myspace_square social_skype_square social_youtube_square social_picassa_square social_googledrive_square social_flickr_square social_blogger_square social_spotify_square social_delicious_square
By applying these settings, you can enjoy a modern navigation experience that's both intuitive and pleasing to the eye. Remember to save and publish your changes to see the bottom navigation come to life on your mobile site.