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Asynchronous CSS

Asynchronous CSS is a technique used in web development to load stylesheets in a non-blocking manner, so that the stylesheet does not block the rendering of the page. In other words, the browser continues to render the HTML and JavaScript content of the page, even if the CSS file has not yet finished loading.

By loading the CSS asynchronously, the page can be displayed to the user more quickly, as the browser does not have to wait for the CSS to be loaded before rendering the content. This can result in a better user experience, as the user sees something on the screen sooner, and the page feels more responsive.

Enable Asynchronous CSS

Within Nitro Settings > Asynchronous CSS tab, enable the switch titled Enable Asynchronous CSS and then click the Save Changes button. Please know that enabling CSS async may cause issues for your Divi website. Disable this feature if issues arise or work out the problem file/s by pasting CSS file names using the Nitro Helper into the Exclude Custom CSS Queue - much like you did for Nitro.

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